I´m thinking -again- on the analogies between happynes and water flow and the similarities on the problems measuring them.
There is a thing called Looped Rating Curves and the definition says that excluding cataclysmic events such as meander cutoffs or a new channel (the analogy here will be the death of someone loved, as the death of the meander, or the birth of a son, as a new channel), the river will pass any given flow within a range of stages (the stage is the height of the water in the river, and is what we usually use to measure the flow, and in my case it will mean that for the same happynes we will measuring -feeling- different grades of happyness).The shift in stage -height- is a result of the following:
-shift in channel geometry or bedforms (the channel being us, that will correlate with changes in us or in our environment, as a new job, a new country, a changed body?)
-the dynamics of the hydrograph (how fast the flood wave rises and falls) This one is good, because correlates on the way that we feel when we had and incredible period, very happy, and then everything after feels sort of washed out. The opposite also works. Though I need to give to this more thought.
-backwater (and this is very significant, because backwater can significantly change the stage at a given crosssection) This is interesting, though I don't have a clear idea on how a correlation will work with this one. Do feelings get stuck?
-slope of the river, given that flatter streams tend to have greater loops on in the rating curve. This will correlate with people calm and people more sanguine. But here I see a problem, because I would say that a calme person should be correlated with a river with a flat slope, say the Rio de La Plata river....well, I need to think about this point more.
do feelings get stuck?
do androids dream of electric sheep?
parece que me hubiese comido una estampilla, no?
A mí lo que más me preocupa es el factor "forma de ser". Hay gente a la que ser feliz le resulta más fácil que a otros, así naturalmente. ¿Cóm medís eso?
ah sí, estoy con Sil
esa gente suele despreciar a la gente a la que ser feliz le resulta más fácil tildándola de superficial
y capaz no, capaz es un bendecido por un desequilibrio químico especial que la hace poder ser más feliz con menos
o qué sé yo
nadie es feliz
o si
wanda, me complicaste la vida
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